I...Mikser festival je
završen a sa njim i naša izložba. Međutim, kamera opskura će možda nastaviti
svoj život jer smo celu konstrukciju
sačuvale i prenele u Bojanin studio. Postoje neke ideje da se izložba možda
prenese i u druge gradove u Srbiji, što
mi se čini kao dobra ideja. Moj utisak je da je, makar što se tiče našeg
tima u kome smo bili Bojana, Kristina Petar i ja, saradnja bila odlična i da
smo svi izašli bogatiji sa ovim iskustvom. Ko zna, možda će se naša saradnja
festival ended and with it, our exhibition also.
However, the camera obscura may continue its life,
because we have saved the construction
and transferred it to Bojana’s studio.
There are some ideas that the exhibition
might spread to other
cities in Serbia, which seems
like a good idea. My impression
is that, in our team (Bojana, Kristina,
me and Petar), cooperation was more than excellent and
we all came out richer
from this experience. Who knows,
we may even work together in the future.