Kustosiranje: doživljaj u pokretu / About and around curating: thrill in movement, Mikser festival 2013

Ovaj blog ima za cilj da omogući publici javno praćenje procesa stvaranja umetničkih radova i izložbi, a time i put od kreativne do tehničke realizacije koja će biti predstavljena na festivalu Mikser 2013. u Beogradu. Vizuelni umetnički program Kustosiranje: doživljaj u pokretu će biti otvoren od 28.05. do 02.06. u periodu od 18 do 04 časova u ulicama Travnička i Braće Krsmanović u Savamaloj.

This blog has a purpose of enabling audience to have a public insight into the process of developing and making artistic works and exhibition, from its creative to technical realisation, which will be presented at Mikser festival 2013 in Belgrade. Visual artistic programme About and around curating: thrill in movement will be open from 28th May till 2nd June between 6 PM and 4 AM in Travnička and Braće Krsmanović streets at Savamala.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Prvi susret svih članova tima 1 i predstavljanje ideja / The first meeting of all members of the team 1 and presenting their ideas

Tim 1 čine umetnica Maja Obradović, kustos Nemanja Popović i saradnica tj. moja malenkost, Milica Bobić u ulozi asistentkinje kustosa i dokumentaristkinje. S obzirom da nismo mogli zajedno da se okupimo od samog formiranja timova, prvobitni dogovori, ideje, planovi i želje su se odvijale elektronskim putem. Posle nekoliko dana prepiski i dogovora, napravljen je nacrt projekta.  Prvi susret celog tima je bio na zajedničkom sastanku svih timova, potom je usledio susret u kome smo predstavili naše ideje Andreju i Srđanu, a održan je u prostorijama Mikser House-a.
 Maja, Nemanja, Milica, Srđan i Andrej

Bilo je zaista zabavno jer je Maja, naoružana igračkama svojih sestrića, slikovito objasnila njene ideje i koncept rada za izložbu Doživljaj  u pokretu.

Majina ideja

Ukratko, ceo koncept se bazira na višemedijalnoj ambijentalnoj instalaciji. Jedno od zanimljivih činjenica je to što ovaj rad zaista prikazuje doživljaj u pokretu, konceptualno, a i samim tim što je nekoliko puta menjan, preoblikovan, preimenovan itd. Kako se promene dešavaju svakodnevno, ni sama umetnica, a ni ostatak tima ne mogu precizirati tačan, detaljan opis rada. Međutim, u tome  leži i neizvesnost, a samim tim i lepota rada. Iznenađenje će, svakako, uslediti na samom Mikser Festivalu.
Zadatak koji je sledio nije bio nimalo lak jer su materijali i njihova nabavka iziskivali mnogo pretrage, obilazenja, pregovaranja i na kraju, odlazak u drugi grad. Više reči o tome u sledećem tekstu…

The first meeting of all members of the team 1 and presenting their ideas

Team 1 consists of artist Maja Obradovic, curator Nemanja Popovic and curator associate i.e. myself, Milica Bobic. Given the fact that we were not able to gather from the beginning when the teams were formed, original arrangements, ideas, plans and wishes were conducted electronically. After a few days of correspondence an agreement was made about the project design. The first meeting of the whole team was at a joint meeting of all the teams followed by a meeting in which we presented our ideas to Srdjan and  Andrej, and the meeting was held at the premises of  
Mikser House.

It was really fun because Maja, armed with toys of her nephews, vividly explained her ideas and the concept of the exhibition “Experience on the move”.

In short, the whole concept is based on multimedial ambient installation. One interesting fact is that this work really shows the experience on the move, conceptually and especially because it has changed several times, it has been redesigned, renamed, etc. As changes happen every day, not even the artist, nor the rest of the team can not specify the exact, detailed description of the work. However, here lies the uncertainty, and thus the beauty of the work. The surprise will certainly happen on the  
Mikser Festival.

The task that was upon us was not easy because the materials and their procurement demanded many tests, visits, negotiations and finally, going to another city. More about this can be read in the next post ...

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