Tim 7 predstavlja
internacionalnu grupu čiji su članovi: umetnica Marika Troili (koja dolazi iz
Švedske), kustos Andrej Bereta i saradnica kustosa i dokumentaristkinja, Milica
Kako je Marika
poslednja postala deo timova Mikser Festivala, samim tim su ideje poslednje
prezentovane. S obzirom da je njen rad fiksiran,
mesto koje će zauzeti tokom čitavog Mikser estivala nalazi se ispod Brankovog
mosta, na stanici tramvaja.
Marikin rad se
zove “Plutajući svetovi” gde je
reč o staroj priči o narandžama. Naime, svaki čovek je kao polovina narandže
koja pluta po površini vode u potrazi za
svojom idealnom drugom polovinom. Neko je pronađe, neko ne.
Marika je pre nekoliko dana stigla u Beograd, a juče se susrela sa ostalim članovima projekta "Kustosiranje". U sledećem tekstu ćete saynati više o samoj umetnici, njenoj zamisli kao i o realizaciji samog dela.
Team 7 is an international group whose members are: artist Marika Troili (who comes from Sweden), curator Andrej Bereta and associate curator, Milica Bobic.
As Marika was last to become part of the teams for Mikser Festival, her ideas were presented last. Given that her work is fixed, she will not change positions throughout the Mikser festival, and the location for her artwork is the tram station under the Branko's bridge .
Marika's work is called "Floating Worlds" which is an old story about oranges. In fact, every person is like half of an orange floating on the surface of water in search of his/her ideal second half. Someone finds it, someone does not.
Marika arrived in Belgrade few days ago, and met with other members of the "Kustosiranje" project. In the next post you will know more about the artist, her ideas and the making of the artwork.
Team 7 is an international group whose members are: artist Marika Troili (who comes from Sweden), curator Andrej Bereta and associate curator, Milica Bobic.
As Marika was last to become part of the teams for Mikser Festival, her ideas were presented last. Given that her work is fixed, she will not change positions throughout the Mikser festival, and the location for her artwork is the tram station under the Branko's bridge .
Marika's work is called "Floating Worlds" which is an old story about oranges. In fact, every person is like half of an orange floating on the surface of water in search of his/her ideal second half. Someone finds it, someone does not.
Marika arrived in Belgrade few days ago, and met with other members of the "Kustosiranje" project. In the next post you will know more about the artist, her ideas and the making of the artwork.
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