Kustosiranje: doživljaj u pokretu / About and around curating: thrill in movement, Mikser festival 2013

Ovaj blog ima za cilj da omogući publici javno praćenje procesa stvaranja umetničkih radova i izložbi, a time i put od kreativne do tehničke realizacije koja će biti predstavljena na festivalu Mikser 2013. u Beogradu. Vizuelni umetnički program Kustosiranje: doživljaj u pokretu će biti otvoren od 28.05. do 02.06. u periodu od 18 do 04 časova u ulicama Travnička i Braće Krsmanović u Savamaloj.

This blog has a purpose of enabling audience to have a public insight into the process of developing and making artistic works and exhibition, from its creative to technical realisation, which will be presented at Mikser festival 2013 in Belgrade. Visual artistic programme About and around curating: thrill in movement will be open from 28th May till 2nd June between 6 PM and 4 AM in Travnička and Braće Krsmanović streets at Savamala.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Proces rada i okvir i format izložbe / Work in progress and planned format of the exhibition

KUSTOSIRANJE: DOŽIVLJAJ U POKRETU, Mikser festival 28.05- 02.06.2013.

Planirani format i okvir izložbe:

  • Formirano je 6 timova čiji je zadatak da oblikuju umetnički autonoman rad, koji istovremeno komunicira sa drugim radovima kako bi se kroz njihovu objedinjenost postigao jedinstven koncept, prepoznatljiv po svojoj raznolikosti.
  • Ključne reči: mobilnost, tranzitnost, promena, fluktuacija, transport...
  • Karakter radova: Svi radovi ce biti "mobilni"- 5 timova će radove instalirati na kamionete (male i veće) Gradske čistoće, dok će 6. tim postaviti fiksiran rad (čija je pojavnost, ipak, vrlo "pokretljiva")
  • Svaki tim čine: umetnik/ ca, kustos/ kinja, i dokumentarista/ kinja. Pozicija svakog je jasno definisana, i istovremeno su svi upućeni na neophodnost međusobne komunikacije i saradnje, u okviru pojedinačnog tima, ali i uzajamno, kroz među- timsku saradnju. U tom smislu, najvažniji pojam ovako postavljenog timskog rada jeste odgovornost. Sledstveni pojmovi su: transparentnost rada (umesto mistifikacije "stvaralačkog procesa"), share kultura (umesto "autorskog stava"), participativnost i interakcija sa publikom (umesto distance, najčešće bazirane na uzajamnom nepoznavanju).
  • Podela uloga: Umetnik/ ca i kustos/ kinja razvijaju ideju rada, traže najbolji način za realizaciju. Umetnik predlaže osnovnu zamisao i medij, a kustos pronalazi kontekst, predlaže prezentativnost i komunikacione tehnike; zajednički stvaraju jednu kompaktnu, argumentovanu priču. Zadatak dokumentariste/ žurnaliste je da svakodnevno prati kreativni proces, zapaža i beleži (tekstualno i fotografski) kreativni razvoj celokupnog rada. U toku jednog dana (po potrebi i više puta dnevno), svaki dokumentarista će dvojezično (srp/ eng) u vidu blog-forme izveštavati o "razvoju situacije" u svom timu (o rešenjima do kojih dolaze, načinima realizacije, mogućim obrtima...), tokom pripremnog perioda (do 28.5, kada je Otvaranje MF), ali i tokom trajanja festivala. Ovaj žurnalisticki posao počinje najkasnije za 7 dana.
  • O radovima: Svaki rad će biti (osim jednog, ranije pomenutog) tokom trajanja izložbe istovremeno i konačan, fiksiran na podlogu (kao svojevrstan "postament"), ali i promenjljiv, odnosno pokretan. Izložba KUSTOSIRANJE: DOŽIVLJAJ U POKRETU biće svakodnevno drugačije instalirana u prostoru Savamale čiji će radovi ostajati u međusobnoj komunikabilnosti koji čini važnu konstantu i karakteristiku ovog dinamičnog projekta.
  • O postavci: Svakog dana festivala, izložba će biti postavljana u periodu 17- 17.45h, a javna vođenja će biti utvrđena uvek u isto vreme. Kroz izložbu će voditi jedan od timova (6 dana, 6 timova), a sam raspored radova će biti drugačiji. Radno vreme izložbe je od 18 do 04h.
  • "Peripatetički program" - prateći program će se odvijati "u hodu", bitno različit od pretežno "kamerne situacije", koja dominira u ovakvim prilikama. Neke tribine, koje pripremamo, ipak, održavaće se u zatvorenom prostoru usled tehničkih razloga.

Direktori  umetničkog/ vizuelnog programa Mikser festivala 2013:

Andrej Bereta i Srđan Tunić,

kustosi- istoričari umetnosti,

autori projekta Kustosiranje/ About and around curating


ABOUT AND AROUND CURATING: THRILL IN MOVEMENT, Mikser festival 28.05. – 02.06.2013

Planned format of the exhibition:

  • Six teams were formed with a clear assignment to realise a new artistic work, both autonomous and in correlation with others, developing a joint and recognisable artistic concept.
  • Key words: mobility, transit, change, fluctuation, transport.
  • Artworks general info: all works will be mobile – 5 teams will have their works installed on mini trucks, while the 6th team will set a fixed work (while having a clear element of movement).
  • Each team consists of: an artist, a curator and a curatorial associate/documentary. Their roles are clearly defined, by the requirements of mutual communication and cooperation, as part of each specific team and inter-team work. Having that in mind, the most important intention of this team working is – responsibility. The focus is on: the transparency of work (instead of mystification of the “creative process”), share culture (instead of “author attitude”), participation and interaction with audience (instead of distance, based on mutual ignorance).
  • Roles: Artist and curator are in charge of developing the idea and the best possible way of artistic production. The artist presents the basic concept and technique, while the curator defines the context, suggests the presentation and ways of communication; together, they are creating a compact and argumented narrative. The curatorial associate is in charge to track the creative process, like a journalist, by text and photo posts, documenting the whole artistic process. On daily bases, every associate will be publishing a blog post (in both Serbian and English), tracking development and key challenges in his/her own team, during preparatory period (till 27th May) and during the festival (28th May – 2nd June). This journalistic process starts next week.
  • On artworks: all artworks (except for one, previously mentioned) will be fixed on basis (trucks), but also mobile. Every day of Mikser festival, About and around curating: thrill in movement visual artistic programme will be installed on different locations in Savamala district streets, while the mutual communication of artworks will be pointed out as important element of the exhibition setting.
  • On exhibition setting: during the festival, each day the exhibition will be installed at 17- 17.45h. Public guidanes will take place each day, by one of six teams, in same announced time. The exhibition will be opened from 28th May till 2nd June with working hours 18 – 04h.
  • "Peripatetic programme": the accompanying programme will be consisted of walking events, different from chamber and static format, usually associated with this kind of activities. Several panel-discussions would be held in closed space (Mikser House).

Directors of visual artistic programme of Mikser festival 2013:
Andrej Bereta and Srđan Tunić,
curators-art historians,
authors of the project Kustosiranje/ About and around curating

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