Kustosiranje: doživljaj u pokretu / About and around curating: thrill in movement, Mikser festival 2013

Ovaj blog ima za cilj da omogući publici javno praćenje procesa stvaranja umetničkih radova i izložbi, a time i put od kreativne do tehničke realizacije koja će biti predstavljena na festivalu Mikser 2013. u Beogradu. Vizuelni umetnički program Kustosiranje: doživljaj u pokretu će biti otvoren od 28.05. do 02.06. u periodu od 18 do 04 časova u ulicama Travnička i Braće Krsmanović u Savamaloj.

This blog has a purpose of enabling audience to have a public insight into the process of developing and making artistic works and exhibition, from its creative to technical realisation, which will be presented at Mikser festival 2013 in Belgrade. Visual artistic programme About and around curating: thrill in movement will be open from 28th May till 2nd June between 6 PM and 4 AM in Travnička and Braće Krsmanović streets at Savamala.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Prvi susret tima 3 / The first meeting of the Team 3

Nekoliko dana posle prvog zvaničnog susreta svih timova u Mikser house-u 29. aprila , tim 3, koga čine umetnica (snimateljka, direktorka fotografije) Bojana Andrić, kustoskinja Kristina Grebenar i ja, saradnica kustoskinje Anđela Milinković, se našao u jednom foto-studiu u 
 Zemunu, da se malo bolje upozna i da započne uobličavanje inicijalnog Bojaninog koncepta.

                                                                       Bojana i Kristina

Prvi susret, kao što i dolikuje, je prošao manje radno a više opušteno. Kristina i ja smo se našle ispred Madlenianuma, i zajedno otišle do Bojaninog studia „Omnibus”.

Studio se nalazi u živopisnoj zemunskoj uličici, sa pogledom na kej. Unutra ima million čuda, gomila nekih kamera, reflektora, presa, mračna komora, instrumenti… pravi kreativni haos.
Pošto smo Kristina i ja ispipale sve te zanimljive stvari, i usput zapitkivale Bojanu čemu ovo ili ono služi, sele smo sve tri da porazgovaramo o dva Bojanina koncepta koja je imala u vidu za predstojeću izložbu. 
Jedan bi se bavio čuvarkućama u Savamaloj, a drugi bi bio transformisanje kamiona u kameru opskuru. Obe ideje su nam, svaka na svoj način bile zanimljive, ali je i Bojani, i Kristini i meni, koncept velike kamere opskure postavljene u Savamaloj bio daleko intrigantniji i veći izazov. 

Pričale smo neko vreme o mogućoj realizaciji tog koncepta, javila su se neka pitanja o tehničkim aspektima te realizacije, zabeležile smo neke najvažnije dileme koje se tiču ovog projekta, a na kraju smo čak i među sobom raspodelile prve obaveze.

Trebalo je napraviti tačan matematički proračun na osnovu koga bi kamera opskura bila funkcionalna, i taj deo posla čekao je Bojanu. Kristina i ja smo u sledećih par dana bile zadužene da napišemo kratak info ovog rada tj. najavu za novinare i da po Bojaninom javljanju tačnih proračuna, krenemo dalje putem realizacije projekta.

Krenulo je super zanimljivo i opušteno, a bogami i aktivno!

A few days after the first official meeting of all teams in Mixer house on 29 of April, a team number 3, consisting of artist (director of photography) Bojana Andric, curator Kristina Grebenar, and I, associate curator Andjela Milinkovic, was in a photo-studio in
 Zemun, where we got together to meet each other a little bit more and to start shaping the initial Bojana`s concept for the exibition.
The first meeting, as it should be, was more relaxed then hard-working. Kristina and I met each other in front of Madlenianum and together we went to Bojana`s “Omnibus” studio.

The studio is located in a picturesque alley of Zemun, overlooking the quay. The studio was full of wonders, lying around there were a bunch of cameras, lights, presses, one darkroom, instruments ... and so on… a real creative chaos.
Kristina and I kept asking Bojana what this or that thing is used for, and after we satisfied our curiosity, all three of us started to discuss two concepts that Bojana had in mind for the upcoming exhibition.
One of two concepts deals with guard-houses in Savamala and the other concept would be to transform the truck into a camera obscura. Both ideas sounded great to us, but Bojana, Kristina and I, finally decided that the concept of a large camera obscura installed in Savamala was far more intriguing and challenging.

We talked for some time about a possible implementation of this concept, there have been some questions about the technical aspects of the implementation, we have written down some of the most important dilemmas relating to this project, and in the end we even have split some assignments among us.
We had to have an exact mathematical calculation based on which the
camera obscura was to be functional, and that part of the job was waiting for Bojana. Kristina and I in the next few days were in charge to write the brief info of this work, that is , a short announcement for the press and to the emergence of Bojana`s accurate calculation, we were about to continue with the process of project realization.
Project started in a super interesting and relaxed way, but also in a very active one!

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