Na dan otvaranja Mikser Festivala, rano ujutru, okupili smo
se da bismo postavili instalaciju koja nosi naziv E=>1/2/3. Majin tata je bio glavni za izvođenje radova i
zato smo mu veoma zahvalni.
Takođe, jastuk je
izgledao bolje nego što smo očekivali pa su neki želeli odmah da ga
Postavljanje je
prošlo uspešno, pa smo na dan otvaranja imali gotov rad uz dodatak izvođača
koji su udahnuli život ovom projektu. I njima smo veoma zahvalni, pogotovo u momentima
kiše i vetra kada nije bilo najzahvalnije biti napolju.
S obzirom na
vremenske (ne)prilike, nekoliko puta smo pomerali rad iz magacina na otvoreno,
pa se od danas nadamo da će nas vreme „poslužiti”.
U timu su se
takođe dogodile neke nesuglasice koje su u fazi rešavanja i mi se nadamo da ćemo uspešno privesti ovaj projekat
kraju u narednih par dana…
At the opening day of the Mikser Festival, early in the morning, we gathered in order to set up the installation entitled E => 1/2/3. Maya's dad was in charge of the works, so we are very grateful to him.
Also, the big pad looked better than we expected and some immediately wanted to "try it out".
The setup had successfully passed, and we did everything before the opening with the addition of the performers who gave life to this project. We are very grateful to them, especially at times of rain and wind when it was not very rewarding to be outside.
Due to weather conditions, we moved the artwork several times from the warehouse to the open, and as of today, we hope that the time will be favorable.
The team is also facing some difficulties as conflicts arose and we are at the stage of resolving the problems and we hope to bring the project to a successful end in the next few days...
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