Došao je
dan postavke izložbe, samo jedan dan pred otvaranje. Sutra u 18 časova, sve će
biti spremno i postavljeno za uživanje publike, ali sada smo i dalje do lakata
u farbi, prašini i potpuno obuzeti pravljenjem drvene konstrukcije za kameru
opskuru.Čim stolar Sava spoji poslednji komad drveta u kompaktnu drvenu kutiju,
ulazimo u završnicu realizacije dela.
put pred otvaranje, večeras ćemo isprobati da li naša kamera zaista funkcioniše.
Naša konstrukcija
je jedna od zahtevnijih na ovoj izložbi, ali brzo napredujemo. Sve to ne bi baš
tako glatko prolazilo da nije jedne grupice momaka- majstora koji su nam zaista
neizmerno pomogli! I naravno majstor Sava koji je zbog svoje veštine tražen u celoj Savamali!
realizacije ove izložbe se brzinom svetlosti primiče kraju, a mi vas sutra
čekamo u 18 časova na otvaranju, kada će možda nekome delovati kao da je cela
izložba prosto “pala sa neba”.
stanje ujutru - imamo samo postament
majstor Sava započinje konstrukciju
napreduje seee!
počinje da liči na kameru opskuru
posle više od 13 sati rada, sa ekipom momaka-majstora, imamo rezultat!
The day of the exhibition setting is
here, just one day before the opening. Tomorrow at 18 pm, everything will be ready
and set up for the enjoyment of the audience, but now we're still up to our elbows
in paint, dust and we are engrossed in making wooden structure for the camera obscura.
As soon as carpenter Sava merges the last piece of wood into a compact wooden
box, we will enter into the phase of final implementation of work.
The last time before the opening, tonight, we will try out if our camera is really functioning.
The last time before the opening, tonight, we will try out if our camera is really functioning.
Our construction is one of the most demanding
in this exhibition, but we are
making progress fast. All this would not be quite so smoothly
if there wasn’t a small group of guys-artisans who really
helped us immensely! And of course carpenter Sava who is wanted for
his skills throughout Savamala.
The realization of this exhibition is coming to an end and we are waiting for you tomorrow at 18 pm at the opening, when to someone it might seem as if the whole exhibition simply "fell out of nowhere."
The realization of this exhibition is coming to an end and we are waiting for you tomorrow at 18 pm at the opening, when to someone it might seem as if the whole exhibition simply "fell out of nowhere."
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