Nakon prvog sastanka sa svim timovima koji se održao 29. aprila u Mikser
House-u, članovi tima broj 2 koji čine umetnik Nemanja Nikolić, kustoskinja Amalija Stojsavljević i saradnica kustosa/dokumentarista Tanja Đorđevic, odnosno
ja. Još uvek pod euforijom od prethodnog sastanka gde smo čuli ideje svih
timova, nastavili smo druženje u galeriji U10 gde Nemanja radi. Kako to već
obično biva pri svakom upoznavanju, dok smo povezali ko koga sve poznaje i ko
je gde radio, postajalo je sve jasnije da će tim funkcionisati opušteno i bez
tenzije. Nemanja nas je upoznavao sa svojom idejom za Mikser. U pitanju je animacija inspirisana scenom iz filma
,,Ptice’’ Alfreda Hičkoka, konkretno – scenom sa glavnom junakinjom u govornici.
Zaintresovane ovom temom Amalija i ja smo ga maltretirale sa gomilom
pitanja u vezi sa radom. Nemanja je strpljivo odgovarao, iako je bilo vrlo
jasno da smo mu se popele na glavu, stoga, mala oda Nemanji na stprljenju. :)
Nakon završetka prolećnih praznika naš tim se 6. maja
ponovo okupio u Mikser House-u. Raspoloženi i entuzijastični članovi tima su se
nakon kraćeg odmora ozbiljnije posvetili projektu. Razmatrali smo i
osmišljavali šta nam je sve potrebno za izložbu. Kao što i svaki iole dobar plan mora da se najpre
formuliše, i mi smo proces izložbe postavili na papir. Amalija i ja smo pisale,
a Nemanja je shodno svom interesovanju, naravno,
crtao :) Došli smo do
zaključka da kamion mora da se pokrije i da se napravi konstrukcija poput
cirade za kamion koja će sama po sebi praktično
dati iluziju telefonske govornice. Popisivali smo potrebni materijal, a kasnije
davali ideje kako bismo mogli to da nabavimo. Od početne tačke na papiru, kada
je sve još uvek izgledalo teško izvodljivo, do druge kafe u već radnoj
atmosferi Mikser House-a uspeli smo da pronađemo veliki broj rešenja.
Nemanjin crtež, skica postavke rada na kamion
Nemanja i Amalija
Obilazak lokacija kamiona
Kako bismo lakše vizuelno zamislili celu postavku, došli
smo na ideju da obiđemo lokacije gde će biti smešteni kamioni. Podstaknuti entuzijazmom,
a i velikim brojem ideja, sve lakše smo nalazili rešenja za nedoumice koje su
nas u pocetku kočile. Počeli smo da radimo i stvaramo kao tim, sve
nestrpljiviji da realizujemo rad :)
Following the first meeting with all the teams which was
held 29.04.2013 in MixerHouse, members
of team ‘’No 2’’ which consists of Nemanja Nikolic (artist), Amalija
Stojsavljević (curator) and Tanja
Djordjevic, myself(associate curator / documentary), still under the euphoria
of the previous meeting where we heard the ideas of all teams, we continued to socialize in the gallery ‘’U 10’’,
where Nemanja is working. As it is usually the case when we first meet somebody,
we talked about who knows the same people and we exchanged our previous
experiences, and it soon became increasingly clear that the team would operate in
a relaxed and tension-free atmosphere. Nemanja told us about his idea for the
Mixer festival. It is an animation inspired by a scene from the film, ''The
Birds'' by Alfred Hitchcock, particularly the scene with the main character in
a phone booth. Amalija and I took great interest in this issue, tortured him
with a bunch of questions about the work, to which Nemanja patiently answered,
even though it was very clear that we tired him, so we wish to thank him for
his unbelievable patience :)
After the end of spring break,on the 6th of May, our team was brought together again in the ambient of Mixer House. After a short break, full of enthusiasm and in high spirits, team members became more serious and committed to the project. We considered all the things needed for the project. Since every good plan needs to be precisely brainstormed, we put the whole process on paper. Amalija and I wrote, and Nemanja , of course, drew:) We came to the conclusion that the truck has to be covered and that we need to create structures such as tarpaulins for trucks, which itself will practically give the illusion of a phone booth. We decided on the necessary material s, and then we talked about ways of getting them. Although it all seemed hardly possible at the starting point, after only a few hours, in the working atmosphere of Mixer House, we managed to find great number of solutions.
In order to visualize the entire setting, we came to the idea to visit the locations where trucks would be located . Inspired and motivated, we easily found solutions to dilemmas that initially held us back . We started to work and create as a team, excited and impatient to implement the project :)
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