svet u obliku činije koja je ispunjena vodom i plutajućim narandžama. Kada su
bile isečene na dva dela, njihove polovine su se razdvojile i počele da plutaju
po vodi. Zajedno one čine celu narandžu.
priča se bazira na ideji o pronalasku "prave osobe" koju mi je
ispričala prijateljica prema priči svoje bake. Za
mene je to bila veoma romantična priča, međutim, danas je vidim u drugačijem
svetlu. Zamišljam da je ova priča nešto drugačija i da govori o tome kako su
ljudi razdvojeni u današnjem vremenu. Živimo u globalnom društvu, činija sa
vodom se povećava, kao i broj narandži. Biti pokretan/na i dostupan/na jeste
ključno za opstanak. Napuštanje mesta u kom ste odrasli više ne predstavlja
izuzetnost. Selimo se tamo
gde nam je ponuđen posao. Selimo se na mesto gde možemo da preživimo. Deo smo
globalne radne snage. Ljudi napuštaju porodice i svoje voljene i ulaze u nove živote.
Svaki čovek je ostrvo, svaki čovek je
polovina narandže.
instalaciji stojite ispod neba/okeana koji je pun plutajućih narandži. Na
stranama kontejnera možete da vidite reprodukcije iz raznih izvora koje
stvaraju sliku o stanju kretanja i povećanom individualizmu današnjice.
Imagine the world as a huge bowl of water full of
floating orange halves. Once those oranges were cut in two, each of the halves
belongs together with its other half floating in the water. Together they make
a whole orange.
This is a story about finding the "right
one". It was once told to me by a friend who heard the story from her
grandmother. For me it was a very romantic story, today I see it in a different
light. I imagine this story to be about something else, about how people are
floating detached from one another in the current time. We live in a global
society, the bowl of water is becoming bigger and the oranges are increasing in
number. Being mobile and accessible is a key feature for survival. To leave the
place where you grew up is no longer exceptional or even an exception. We move
to where we are offered a job. We move to a place where we can make a living.
We are part of the global workforce. People leave their families and loved ones
and enter into new lives. You are an island, you are an orange half.
In the installation you stand under a sky/ocean of
floating orange halves. On the sides of the container you see images from
various sources trying to give a picture of the condition of mobility and
rising individualism of today.
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