Kustosiranje: doživljaj u pokretu / About and around curating: thrill in movement, Mikser festival 2013

Ovaj blog ima za cilj da omogući publici javno praćenje procesa stvaranja umetničkih radova i izložbi, a time i put od kreativne do tehničke realizacije koja će biti predstavljena na festivalu Mikser 2013. u Beogradu. Vizuelni umetnički program Kustosiranje: doživljaj u pokretu će biti otvoren od 28.05. do 02.06. u periodu od 18 do 04 časova u ulicama Travnička i Braće Krsmanović u Savamaloj.

This blog has a purpose of enabling audience to have a public insight into the process of developing and making artistic works and exhibition, from its creative to technical realisation, which will be presented at Mikser festival 2013 in Belgrade. Visual artistic programme About and around curating: thrill in movement will be open from 28th May till 2nd June between 6 PM and 4 AM in Travnička and Braće Krsmanović streets at Savamala.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Tim #7 Kontejner je stigao! / Team #7 The container has arrived!

Pre neko jutro smo se članovi tima broj 7 i ja uputili ispod Brankovog mosta ne bismo li dočekali kamion koji je prevozio kontejener, a predstavlja bazu Marikinog rada. Malo nakon što je kamion stigao, hitro smo se uputili ka njemu da bismo proverili da li je kontejner isporučen u stanju kao što je dogovoreno. 

Ubrzo posle toga, krenuli smo sa davanjem instrukcija o tačnoj poziciji koji će zauzeti, a naišli smo na dobru saradnju sa vozačem kamiona koji nam je preparkiravao kontejner nekoliko puta i svakom ponaosob pokazivao kako se isti otvara i zatvara. 

Proces je prošao glatko i za tili čas smo bili gotovi što je značilo da je Marika imala sve uslove da počne da radi na samoj instalaciji...


A few days ago the members of the team 7 and I went under the Branko’s bridge in order to wait for the truck that was transporting the container which is the base of Marika’s work. Shortly after the truck had arrived, we quickly headed toward it and checked whether the container was shipped in the state as agreed. Shortly after that, we started giving instructions on the exact position, and we came across with good cooperation with the truck driver who was moving the container several times and showing each and every one of us how it was supposed to be opened and closed. The process went smoothly and in no time we were finished, which meant that Marika had all the conditions to begin to work on the installation...

*Poslednje dve fotografije preuzete sa fb strane Mikser Beograd
*The last two images were taken from the fb page of Mikser Beograd

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