Kustosiranje: doživljaj u pokretu / About and around curating: thrill in movement, Mikser festival 2013

Ovaj blog ima za cilj da omogući publici javno praćenje procesa stvaranja umetničkih radova i izložbi, a time i put od kreativne do tehničke realizacije koja će biti predstavljena na festivalu Mikser 2013. u Beogradu. Vizuelni umetnički program Kustosiranje: doživljaj u pokretu će biti otvoren od 28.05. do 02.06. u periodu od 18 do 04 časova u ulicama Travnička i Braće Krsmanović u Savamaloj.

This blog has a purpose of enabling audience to have a public insight into the process of developing and making artistic works and exhibition, from its creative to technical realisation, which will be presented at Mikser festival 2013 in Belgrade. Visual artistic programme About and around curating: thrill in movement will be open from 28th May till 2nd June between 6 PM and 4 AM in Travnička and Braće Krsmanović streets at Savamala.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

postavljanje "Puta svile" / setting of the art work - "Silk Road"

Pred Nemanjom Čađom i timom 6 ostao je samo posao postavljanja rada. Zvuči jednostavno, ali “Put svile” je umetnički rad takve prirode da je postavka ono što je najvažniji deo realizacije rada. Kao ambijentalna instalacija, Nemanja uvek mora lično da doživi prostor i oseti kako mu ambijentleži”.
U razgovorima sa Srđanom, Nemanja je odredio najbolje položaje tkanine. Na visokom drveću ispred Mikser house-a čitav jedan dan su se kačile samo sajle na koje treba da “dođe” tkanina. Dan pred otvaranje izložbe, Čađo seče viskozu u elegantne trake i potom postavlja tkanine u njene konačne pozicije. U tome mu je mnogo pomogla volonterka Sanja, jedna od najvrednijih volontera!
Danas od 18 č
asova, kada vidite izdaleka da se vijore bela svilenkasta platna, budite sigurni da ona nisu tu slučajno dospela, i da se iza njihovog naizgled jednostavnog izgleda krije složena realizacija i zanimljiva priča. Ako vas zanima, kakva je to priča zapravo, vidimo se danas u 18 časova, 28.maja!

                             kačenje sajli
                         viskoza se seče
                          postavljanje tkanina

Nemanja Cadjo and team No.6 have only left to do one more thing and that is the installation of the work itself, before the opening of the exhibition. It sounds simple, but the "Silk Road" is a work of art of a such nature that what the most important part of the work is, is the setting of the work itself. As ambient installation, Nemanja always has to personally feel the space and to feel how does location fits to his work.
In conversations with Srdjan, Nemanja decided which are the best positions for the cloth.On the tall trees in front of the Mixer house, Nemanja was attaching the wires which are needed to "catch" the fabric. Day before the opening of the exhibition Cadjo is cutting a viscose into elegant strips of fabric and then placing them in their final positions. He has a major help from a volunteer whose name is  Sanja.
Today , at 18pm,when you see from afar the fluttering white silky cloth, be sure that they are not there by accident, and that behind their seemingly simple looks lies a complex realization and an  interesting story. If you want to know more about the story itself, we will be at 18 pm today, May 28th, on the spot, waiting for you!

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