Kustosiranje: doživljaj u pokretu / About and around curating: thrill in movement, Mikser festival 2013

Ovaj blog ima za cilj da omogući publici javno praćenje procesa stvaranja umetničkih radova i izložbi, a time i put od kreativne do tehničke realizacije koja će biti predstavljena na festivalu Mikser 2013. u Beogradu. Vizuelni umetnički program Kustosiranje: doživljaj u pokretu će biti otvoren od 28.05. do 02.06. u periodu od 18 do 04 časova u ulicama Travnička i Braće Krsmanović u Savamaloj.

This blog has a purpose of enabling audience to have a public insight into the process of developing and making artistic works and exhibition, from its creative to technical realisation, which will be presented at Mikser festival 2013 in Belgrade. Visual artistic programme About and around curating: thrill in movement will be open from 28th May till 2nd June between 6 PM and 4 AM in Travnička and Braće Krsmanović streets at Savamala.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Novi susret tima 3 - pretvaranje sobe u kameru opskuru! / transforming the room into the camera obscura

Bojana, Kristina i ja smo se posle našeg sastanka kod Bojane u studiju narednih par dana dopisivale preko maila i poruka, razmenjujući neke ideje i predloge. Značajan korak za naš projekat desio se nekoliko dana kasnije, ponovo u Bojaninom studiju “Omnibus”, u Zemunu.

Našle smo se oko podneva, kada je sunce još uvek jako. Tada smo imale u planu da tehnički isprobamo da li je Bojanin koncept kamere opskure ostvariv. Plan je bio da od jedne sobe u njenom studiju napravimo kameru opskuru! To nije bio lak posao, ali je zato bio zabavan. Satima smo oblepljivale dva prozora raznim materijalima i trakama kako ni mrvica svetlosti ne bi prodirala u prostoriju. Dvoja vrata sobe smo prekrile crnom tkaninom koja ne propušta svetlo, zapušavajući sve moguće rupice… na jednom prozoru ostavljena je, tj. probušena jako mala rupica, svega par milimetara, kao jedini izvor svetlosti.

Belo platno moralo je biti postavljeno na tačnom rastojanju od nje da bi projekcija spoljašnje slike bila moguća.

Kroz tu rupicu svetlosni zraci su trebali da prodiru, da se ukrštaju i odbijajući se od predmete da stvore unutra sliku spoljašnjosti.

Pripreme su trajale nekoliko sati, i u nekoliko navrata smo sedele u potpunom mraku iščekujući da li će se pojaviti slika kuće i ograde koje se nalaze s druge strane prozora. Posle nekoliko dodatnih promena, dok smo i dalje sedele u mrklom mraku, čekajući da nam se oči priviknu, odjednom je soba postala svetlija i ukazala nam se naopačke okrenuta projekcija kuće i ograde. Gledajući rezultat rada posle nekoliko sati, osećaj je bio odličan!
Isti proces smo ponovile kada je pao mrak, ali ovog puta sa reflektorima uperenim u kuću i ogradu koje je trebalo osvetliti da bi projekcija bila moguća i u mraku.

Na praktičnom primeru, tj. kroz simulaciju rada mogle smo da predvidimo mnogo više tehničkih poteškoća, kao i da detaljnije sagledamo kakva bi nam tehnička specifikacija bila neophodna.
Takođe, imale smo i razgovor o ostalim aspektima ovog rada, dakle, pored ove neophodne, tehničke strane kamere opskure.
Sve u svemu, dan je bio jako uspešan i čini mi se da smo dobile još više entuzijazma u vezi sa projektom, a posebno zato što smo postale svesne da je ovakav jedan koncept moguće na odličan način izvesti!


                      Bojana i Kristina, zatvaranje izvora svetlosti
                      Kristina i Anđela, zatvaranje izvora svetlosti
                       Kristina ispred belog platna
                       Jedna od dobijenih projekcija
                       Bojana, osvetljavanje kuće reflektorima

                                          s leva na desno: Anđela, Kristina, Bojana

After our meeting in Bojana’s studio, Bojana, Kristina and I corresponded for a couple of days through emails and messages. We exchanged some ideas and suggestions, but the next major step in our project took place a few days later, back in the "Omnibus" studio in Zemun.
We met around noon, when the sun is still strong, because what we had planned was to test the technical aspects of camera obscura and to see whether is that concept of making camera obscura of a truck, achievable. The plan was to transform one room of Bojana’s studio into a camera obscura! It was not an easy job, but we had fun doing it.

For hours we were attaching various materials and ribbons to the windows, to not let any bit of light to penetrate the room. We covered the doors of the room with a black cloth, and we stuffed every single hole where light can possibly penetrate ... on one window we left, that is, we drilled a very small hole, a size of a only a few millimeters, which was the only source of light. Through that small hole, the light-rays was to pass through in the room, and to project the upside-down image of the outside surroundings. White cloth had to be set to the exact distance of that tiny hole, so that the projection of the external image can appear on it.

Preparations continued for several hours, and several times we were sitting in the dark, trying out whether the image of the house and the fence that were located outside, was to appear. After a few additional changes, while we were sitting in pitch darkness, waiting for our eyes to adjust to the darkness, suddenly the room became brighter and in front of our eyes there was an upside-down image, a projection of the house and the fence that were located outside, in front of the window  of Bojana’s studio. It felt great looking at the result after a few hours of work!

The same process was repeated in the evening, but this time with spotlights directed into the house and the fence that should be highlighted so that the projection can be possible also in the evening, when there is no sun.
Through the simulation, we were able to foretell more precisely, some of the possible technical problems, and to look more closely at what would be our necessary technical specification.
Also, we had discussed other aspects of this work, beyond the necessary, technical side of the camera obscura.
All in all, the day was very successful, and it seemed to me that we are even more enthusiastic about the project, now that we have tried and have assured ourselves how such a concept can be magnificently pulled out!



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