Do sada sigurne i zaštićene u umovima svojih kreatora,
Utvare Savamale su spremne da se predstave i zaigraju svoj noćni ples. Utvare
su stvorenja noći, marginalizovana i zaboravljena. One obitavaju u svetu
Savamale, zadivljujuće i harizmatične, lucidne i intrigantne. Utvare iznenađuju,
šokiraju, oduševljavaju. Sprema se utvarski pir i svi su pozvani.
Od sada pa nadalje, svedoci ste rađanja Utvara.
Until now safe and protected in the minds of its creators,
Ghouls of Savamala are ready to show up and perform their night dance. Ghouls
are creatures of the night, marginalized and forgotten. They live in a world of
Savamala, stunning and charismatic, lucid and intriguing. Ghouls surprise,
shock, delight. Get ready for the feast of Ghouls - everyone is invited.
From now on, you are witnesses of the birth of Ghouls.
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